Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cold day. Hot read.

I picked up Casanova vol. 1: Luxuria from the good old public library last evening. How did I miss this series?

The writing from Matt Fraction is top-notch, full of twists and humour and crazy takes on tired sci-fi concepts. This book's got it all: clones, robots, a S.H.I.E.L.D.-type spy agency (here known as E.M.P.I.R.E.), mysterious villains, huge shoot-outs, time travel, multiple dimensions, twins, floating heads... and it all works without feeling a single bit forced or derivative. You'll smile in recognition of what Fraction has lovingly borrowed and effortlessly re-purposed. As he says, Casanova is " excuse to execute every abject genre jolly I ever had, so, y'know. Bonus." For him and the readers!

And the art! Gabriel Ba does a great job. Abstract, completely unrealistic, and full of motion and power. It doesn't look at all like Kirby FF, but it sure moves like it. Think of a cross between Kirby and Kevin O'Neill, and you'll get the idea. As well, the comic isn't colour, it's black and white, with an olive tone added for shading and emphasis throughout. Take a look at the above picture to see how well this has been employed.

Luxuria reprints issues one through seven. I'm just over two-sevenths of the way in and I'm utterly hooked. A great read on a cold, cold day.

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