Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Computer! Now, dammit! I'm a taxpayer!"

Some people should not go out in public. Seriously.

I was at the library today, using the internet. A woman, mid-30s, highly-strung, starts demanding, not asking politely, that someone give up a computer to her because she had to send something by a certain time. I saw her looking at what I was browsing (some products on the Source’s website) and felt her giving me attitude which said, "what you're looking at isn't important." I politely told her that I was using the computer and wouldn't be giving it up before my allotted time had run out. All the other computers were in use, too, and her aggressive attitude wasn't getting her anywhere.

So, off goes Miss Important to the head librarian and within earshot of everyone using the computers, starts to complain very loudly about how selfish people are and that she owns a house and pays $12,000 in property taxes and therefore should get computer time at the public library when she needs it. "These people," she said, indicating the computer users (me included), "don't even own property!" I couldn't believe my ears, and couldn’t let this go past without comment. I said to the woman that perhaps someone would be willing to give her a computer if she wasn't so damned offensive. She was so caught up in her tirade, it didn’t seem to register.

Ugh. What a horrible human being, and such a sense of entitlement. I hope she missed whatever deadline she was trying to make.


  1. Did she call you "losers"? I'm surprised if she didn't.

    Yeah, I know the type. A friend of mine calls them "Superstars!" (Yes, the exclamation mark is included.)

    What is surprising is that with all her "staus" she does not even own a Blackberry.

  2. Actually renters do pay property tax, through their landlords.
