Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Must we eat Crow?

Caption: This is what passed for comic art in 1989, kids.

Okay, we're safe on the Robocop front, but now I read that there is to be a remake of The Crow, the Alex Proyas and Brandon Lee adaptation of James O’Barr’s undead avenger comic book. Really?

The comic from 1989 doesn't stand up. It's a nasty bit of work, devoid of anything remotely resembling a compelling story. So why would anyone buy the rights to remake it? Couldn't you just do your own "guy and gilfriend get killed by a gang, man comes back from beyond the grave to avenge her death" film? As for the original Crow film, it did well on initial release. I saw it on video at some point and thought it as slight and uninteresting as the comic was. Wonder how much of a bump it got because of Brandon Lee's onset death?

I guess if the Hollywood boffins (and I use that term very sarcastically) are determined to remake films, better they remake these than start trying to "reimagine" the classics.

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