Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I con-fez

After only 13 episodes David Tennant feels like a distant memory.

You're doing a bang-up job, Mr. Smith. Keep up the great work.

Oh, and...
  • No, neither fezes no bowties are cool. Big points for trying, though.
  • Karen Gillan has got to be the sexiest companion since Lala Ward.
  • Moffat's through-line for the season worked; it didn't feel like a tacked-on like "Bad Wolf" did. I still don't really know what "Bad Wolf" was.


  1. I was speaking with a woman yesterday who blurted with some withdrawl symptoms, "oh, the final Doctor Who episode for the year is on tonight".

    Someday soon, I hope, I "will partake in a great adventure". (Read: I have not yet seen any of the 'Smith' Doctors. No... not Doctor Smith; he is from that other great series.)

  2. Forgot to say that I agree with you on the 'sexiness' of Lala Ward. She looks so cute and adorable in "City of Death" and "Warrior's Gate".

    I also hope to "participate in a great adventure".
