Tuesday, February 17, 2009

To Freely Go Where No Geek Has Gone Before....

A friend blogged about JJ Abram's new Star Trek film, expressing the idea that exploring the original characters with new actors might just work.

Which got me thinking about continuity. This is a case where a prequel might actually work. Don't ask me to name another film where I think this is true. But doing it for Star Trek it frees JJ and makers from the albatross of continuity, which is something I think sci-fi and comics fans worry WAAAAAAAAAY too much about.

Imagined conversation after the screening:

GEEK 1: Was it a good story?
GEEK 2: Yes.
GEEK 1: Was it true to the essence of the characters?
GEEK 2: Yes.
GEEK 1: Was it respectful of the orginal intent or did it extrapolate on ideas of the original? [this is how we non-geeks imagine geeks talk amongst themsleves]
GEEK 2: Yes.
GEEK 1: Did you like it?
GEEK 2: Hell, No! Kirk's outfit was the wrong shade of yellow.


  1. Its going to be like Star Wars I all over again. You just wait.

  2. There is one big difference:

    "Star Wars" had great/good films in its library leading up to Episode 1.

    "Star Trek" has had (considered by many to have had) mostly okay to poor films, leading into this coming May.

    We will wait and see -- to each their own.
