Monday, February 2, 2009

Of Time I Won't Get Back and the City

What crack are critics who recommend Of Time and the City, the documentary about Liverpool, England, smoking? It was nothing but shot after shot of mundane things (graffiti, ferries, broken windows, washer-women, women pushing prams, statues), thrown together without pace or rhythm. The narration (by director Terrance Davies, pictured above) did nothing to add to the proceedings. He told the start of a coming out story which went nowhere, there was an odd interlude that had something to do with the Korean War, and lots of trite nonsense about his falling out with the Church. Oh, and a few really clever quotes by Marx and Engels. Deep.

This documentary wasn't about anything as far as I could tell. It wasn't a town's history, it wasn't a personal history, it wasn't a history of social change or postindustrialism, it wasn't a history of the architecture of the place. I am not sure what it was, but I am sure it wasn't very good.

Save your $8.


  1. Based on your list of shots I get the impression the producers might have been going for a "tone poem".

  2. Call it what you like... I call it dull.
