Monday, May 11, 2009


I tried watching NIGHTWATCH, the "Russian Matrix" as it's been called. Terrible. Twenty-five minutes in I ejected the disc and that was the end of that.

It looked like it was made by someone who'd never seen a film in their life, and was full of all sorts of stupid, stupid details. Example. A guy starts his truck. Zoom into CGI of the crankshaft and ignition and the drive train as the motor turns over. What the FUCK?! That's not cool. That's just bad filmmaking. And the fight scenes I saw were edited to the point of being incomprehensible. Whatever happened to a few well-composed shots and some solid fight choreography?! (That's what the new STAR TREK had going for it in spades. The story and the cinematography were clear and uncluttered. There wasn't a billion things onscreen at once or confusing closeups or cut-aways. This was real filmmaking.)

Needless to say I won't be watching the sequel, DAYWATCH. Thankfully they were loaners from a friend. I'm glad I didn't waste money on renting or buying these.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, but did you consider running the movie at 1.5 X speed? I know that it works well for Short Attention Spanners. If it works for them then I'm sure it works for someone like you.

    Good filmmaking in a 'summer blockbuster' -- all too rare in the animal.
